Country Heights Water is the provider and supplier of potable water to the premises in Country Heights Estate. We are committed to providing sustainable, high-quality drinking water that consistently meets or exceeds your expectations. We regularly monitor water quality to ensure it continues to meet our high standards.
We will:
· Supply drinking water that is safe to all of our customers.
· Carefully monitor the quality of drinking water supplied to your meter.
· Provide information on our website and via media bulletins, of any planned changes to our system that are likely to affect the quality of your water.
· Advise if you need to make alternative arrangements for drinking water in the unlikely event that your water quality deteriorates.
· Make water quality results available on our website, see our Water Quality Report.
You need to:
· Let us know as soon as possible if there is a problem with the quality of your drinking water.
· Ensure all internal plumbing from your meter is maintained in good order and complies with plumbing standards.
How prices are determined
We set charges for our services in accordance with competitor prices, Country Heights Water’s methodology and in accordance with the Water Act or the WA Government as applicable to those services.
Water charges consist of 3 types of charges and are billed quarterly:
1)The Base Water Service Charge is a charge for the establishment and maintenance of the water infrastructure system, including water treatment plant, situated in the Country Heights Estate.
2)The Vacant Land Charge (VLC) is a service charge for making drinking water available to your property prior to the construction of a dwelling on your property. The VLC no longer applies once a dwelling is completed on your property.
3)The Water Usage Charge is the charge for actual water consumed on your property once a dwelling has been constructed and a meter installed. . This is based on a fixed charge for the first 425kL per annum. Additional charges will apply for usage above 425kL in the 4th quarter when the meter reading is taken.
We will:
Publication of charges – We will publish on our website up-to-date information on our charging policies and current charges in accordance with the terms of contract.
Meter Reading – We will endeavour to provide an Actual water meter reading annually at the end of 4th quarter of each Financial Year unless we agree to do a meter reading upon request by you.
You need to:
- Provide a clear space of at least 300mm around (horizontally) and 1200mm above (vertically) your water meter.
- Clear sand, mulch and prune overhanging shrubs.
- Ensure easy and safe access to the meter at all times.
Meter Testing – If you consider that the meter is not accurately recording water passing through it, you may request that we test it. We will advise you of the meter reading results and make available a written report on your request.
Customer Complaints – If you have a complaint about our service or our compliance with this Customer Contract, the Water Act or Operating Licence, you should first contact us, either by telephone or by writing to us by phone at 0449 898 511 or email us at’ A complaint advice form is also available on our website.
Complaints Review – If you are not satisfied with the solution offered or action taken by us, you may have the complaint reviewed by Country Heights Water Pty Ltd manager. The manager will:
• clarify your complaint and the outcome sought;
• ensure that the complaint has been properly investigated;
• advise you of the estimated timeframe for our proposed action;
• inform you of the outcome of the manager’s review;
• outline the relevant facts and regulatory requirements where appropriate;
• indicate what we will do to address the issue; and
• notify you of your rights to external review if you are still not satisfied with our decision.
If you wish to contact the office of the Water Services Ombudsman, their free call telephone number is at 1800 754 004 and landline at 08 9220 7588.
Office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Maintaining Our Assets
From time-to-time, we need to maintain our assets.
We will:
- Notify you 24 hours in advance if there is a planned interruption.
You need to:
- Advise us immediately if any of our assets or services require attention.
- Report deliberate damage or suspected criminal activity relating to our assets or services.
Under the Water Services Act 2012 and Regulations it is unlawful to tamper with, interfere or deliberately damage Country Heights Water infrastructure including pipes, meters and fittings.